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Herbal and Traditional Medicine Manufacturing Services APIVENT Trusted partner for the production of traditional medicines and herbal cosmetics. With experience and nano technology, we help create high quality products according to your needs.
Grow Your Business

With Nano Herbal Experts. For more than 15 years, Apivent has helped entrepreneurs, companies and MSMEs achieve success by creating quality herbal products with national and international standards. Apivent has Business to Business [B2b] Experts who are ready to help you set up your BUSINESS.


The best ONE-STOP SERVICES one-stop integrated services for our new customers and old customers, for “traditional medicine tolling services” and tolling services made from natural herbal cosmetics which are of course very safe.


customer satisfactions

~ Certified Factory

ISO 9001:2015, BPOM

TR Permit Traditional Medicine License

NA Cosmetics license

~ Product Information

Traditional Medicine: Internal medicinal liquid, external medicinal liquid, oral powder, capsules

Cosmetics Private Label: Masks, day night cream, facial wash, serum, toner, body lotion, soap

~ Supporting Facilities

Product Development from NPD professional [Scientific Research Data Support]

Product design, halal certification, Marketing Support system

~ Maklon Process

Product concept-Product formulation-Product samples

Packaging Design-BPOM, HAKI, and HALAL Licensing-Production Process


Road To 200 Private Labels

The nano product is a masterpiece that deserves to be packaged with a more modern and futuristic model and design, adding to the impression of a more premium product. The quality and efficacy of products developed with the latest technology also become added value which attracts consumers to buy the product and use it continuously.

Reaching 200 private brands for traditional medicines, cosmetics and herbal skincare is not an easy thing to achieve, but with consistency, support from experts, a company culture full of integrity, and collaboration between related parties, including universities, private institutions and government, apivent has been created. optimistic that it can move bigger than the current target.

produk nano propolis sebagai bahan baku obat tradisional

High Quality Active Ingredients

apivent obat tradisional modern

Although Apivent prioritizes propolis as the main active ingredient for beauty products, traditional medicines, and supplements, more than 20 natural active ingredients of the best quality and scientifically proven efficacy have been used by Apivent so far.
We recommend propolis because there have been many studies on propolis in various countries, and its use has been carried out since the days of Ancient Egypt.

Nano Propolis itself has been developed and researched for 11 years by a team of Apivent Nanotechnology experts whose efficacy can be accounted for scientifically and empirically.


Apivent Experts

Apivent, in running its business, is strengthened by many competent experts and specialists from various scientific fields who have studied at many domestic and foreign universities.

In creating a product there are at least more than 7 NPD people, 6 product formulators, and 2 pharmacists who are involved in it. So that the resulting product is a product that has been tested scientifically and is ready to be applied to society.

More than 100 traditional medicine and cosmetic formulas have been developed by Apivent’s team of experts. Some have succeeded in penetrating the domestic market with fantastic total sales as private labels.

Herbaltama specialist cosmetic dan skincare herbal

Profitable Business Process from APIVENT for you.

Consulting and Concept

Providing detailed consulting services and business concepts regarding modern traditional herbal medicines and modern beauty treatments for you. We provide it for FREE and always provide the best service.

Formulation and Sample

Our Nanotechnology Expert Team will provide sample products and formulations that are safe, suitable, and the best for your product. We will provide it for FREE if there is a certain minimum order and a clear MOU.

Document and Contract

Contract agreements and documents for the benefit of POs from agreements that have been agreed upon by both parties, of course, we always provide convenience and benefits for you in these agreements with the goal of sustainable business.

Down Payment

Payment of 50% DP in advance based on the agreed agreement. Followed by the PO process for production, after completion, The goods will be sent, and you continue to pay 30% when all the goods are in your hands. Then you make the remaining payment of 20%.


Making legality such as HAKI, BPOM, and HALAL certification. Certification is the most important thing for us, assisting in making certification depends on what MOU agreements we will help make and implement. Certification will run together when the production process begins.

Production process

Carry out a safe production process according to the timeline for your product needs to be used massively. The production process is enforced based on the PO [permit order] starts and based on the agreed agreement. We will update the production process for you.
